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Welcome to Praxisteam Friedrichshain

General Medicine, Occupational Medicine, and Social Work.

We also specialize in Infectious Diseases and HIV, including PrEP counseling.

Praxisteam Friedrichshain


Here you will find all the latest information from our practice, from new services to changed office hours. Check back regularly to stay up to date!

Our Medical Services

Discover our diverse medical services and how they can support your health. Learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal health.

General Medicine & Family Doctor
General Medicine & Family Doctor
Occupational Medicine
Occupational Medicine
Aviation Medicine
Aviation Medicine
Traffic Medicine
Traffic Medicine
Travel Medicine
Travel Medicine
Diving Medicine
Diving Medicine
Healthcare Services
Healthcare Services
Body Analysis with InBody 970

Body Analysis with InBody 970

Discover the groundbreaking body analysis of the InBody 970, which ranks among the most advanced devices of its kind thanks to a variety of innovative features.

Social Work

Especially in a specialized practice for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, patients have the opportunity to discuss their condition and therapy. Interdisciplinary collaboration with the medical team allows us to find individual solutions together.

Social Work